Kostas Tsimikas Is Excited to Continue His Record-Brҽaking Streak With the Special Club

Kostas Tsimikas has extended his contract with Liverpool until 2027. Tsimikas, Liverpool’s left back, recently gave an interview to Sam Williams of Liverpoolfc.com.

To have this opportunity to prolong my contract fills me with joy. All the hard work and time I put in, along with the sacrifices I made, seem to have paid off. However, this boosts my confidence and encourages me to continue. I wаnted to be a part of this squad from day one because, as I’ve mentioned in countless interviews, we have so much potential as a group.

It was a no-brainer to stay, that’s for sure. It’ll be a lot less of a strugglе, I believe, when everyone on the squad shares my enthusiasm for the goal. It was always my intention to remain with the team because I feel so at home here with everyone from the players and coaches to the staff and the fans. The sunshine made me feel like everything was better. I cannot express how relieved I feel.

Tsimikas, now 27 years old, is in the prime of his footballing career, so Williams asked him to explain why Liverpool is the ideal fit for him.

This is the appropriate organization for me because its members have faith in me. When I play for the team, I always give it my all, and I do what I can to aid the other players and the team as a whole whenever possible. When I play, I like to think and feel that I make a difference for the other players, for the atmosphere, and for myself personally. Like I mentioned, I love it here and deciding to stay for another year was the best decision I could have made.

Tsimikas is the most recent player to comment on the emotional impact of the club’s FA Cup and League Cup procession on the Greek left back:

I think it’s the combination of everything that make our club so great, especially the cup victory and parade we had two years ago. Everyone on the team was down because we lost the Champions League final and finished second in the league, but seeing the fans’ joy at the parade and knowing that they were right there to celebrate with us helped us put the bad times behind us. That’s why when we travel internationally, everyone wears the red shirt and cheers for us to show how much they love the club. Unique, indeed.

The experience of playing in Anfield is invaluable. They constantly want you to give your all, and at Anfield, where I play, I never feel tired because they push me so hard. There’s a magic I can’t put into words when I sense the fans next to us, close to me in particular. That’s why the players and the supporters keep pulling for the squad to win games.

Tsimikas loves Liverpool FC and the fans, but he also sees the club as a place to develop as a player.

Compared to [my previous self] [when I first arrived], I made significant progress. Training with these types of players is really inspiring because you quickly feel like you’re holding your own alongside them. I think it was really crucial for me to be surrounded by all these type players [and] very wonderful people because being here is the hardest thing in the world. I am eternally grateful for the unconditional love and acceptance they offered me from the very beginning.

[O]f course, there’s always more to do. Each new day that dawns brings with it the opportunity to devote more time to honing my skills and refining my technique. Football, like life, is a constant schooling that never ends. You need to be there to cope with newer, better players. As a result, continuous training is essential; you not only need to show up, but also, most importantly, take care of your health so that your body is ready to give its full attention and effort at all times. For me, the greatest thing is to train, to work, to rest, and to go again.

Tsimikas also discussed his growing attachment to England and his adaptation to its weather.

Yeah. I feel right at home here; the city, the gym, the people have all become like extended family. This is why I decided to stay and work here beyond the end of my original contract. The people are great, the club is fantastic, and the climate quickly became like home. That’s what got me to sign the agreement, and it’s what I love doing.

To a large extent, Tsimikas decided to remain because of Jürgen Klopp, Mohamed Salah, and Virgil Van Dijk.

When it comes to the things I want, [Klopp] has always made an effort to assist me. I believe he gave the go-ahead for me to sign this deal, which shows that he wants me to be a part of the club; for this, I am eternally grateful. So, I am grateful to him and I thank him for everything he has done and will do in the future.

Salah and I are in constant communication. Both he and the skipper [Van Dijk] were instrumental in persuading me to put pen to paper. I’m constantly surrounded by the guys’ support; we have a great time together. For me, it’s crucial that I surround myself with players of this caliber, and Mo in particular, because we always seem to be having a good time together and Mo always seems to know what’s best for me and my career. As I’ve already mentioned, making that choice was simple for me.

Williams chose to talk about the FA Cup final, one of Tsimikas’s 63 total appearances for Liverpool, because of the winning penalty he scored:

It was the first penalty kιck I’d ever taken, and I remember feeling a lot of pressure going into it, so I’m sure it will go down as one of the most memorable moments of my life. But, as I mentioned before, I thought the supporters were yearning for this cup, and I thought we deserved it, too, because we played brilliantly in every competition and came close to winning every game.

Tsimikas believes this team has what it takes to add to their trophy case after winning the FA Cup and the Carabao Cup:

More acclaim, more effort, and more hardware, sure. Winning trophies, giving 110% in every situation, and being a part of this is what matters most to me. I believe we have a great chance of winning additional trophies with this team. I believe that everyone is fully invested in the next games and prepared to make significant strides toward future success.