What phone do the world’s billionaires use?

The world’s billionaires prefer iPhones, some choose Android phones from Samsung and BlackBerry.


American billionaire Warren Buffett recently admitted that he had switched to using Apple’s iPhone 11. Before that, he was loyal to the Samsung SCH-U320 flip-flop costing $20 and only used a new phone when the device was completely broken. Berkshire Hathaway – Buffett’s company – currently has about 5.5% of shares in Apple, equivalent to 245 million shares with a value of nearly 72 billion USD. As of mid-2019, Buffett is the third richest person in the world after Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates with a calculated fortune of 83.5 billion USD, according to Forbes.



American billionaire Bill Gates rarely shares with people what phone he uses. He himself does not like Apple products and does not allow his children to use devices from this company. In an interview with FOX News in 2007, Bill Gates confirmed that he was using an Android model pre-installed with many Microsoft applications, but refused to reveal the model. When asked by a reporter about the iPhone, he immediately replied: “No iPhone, no!”.


The richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos, uses a lot of phones. In 2012, he appeared with a Blackberry. A few years later, this billionaire switched to using a Samsung model, before choosing the “homegrown” Fire Phone produced by Amazon itself. However, a scandal revealing private messages showed that he was using Apple’s iPhone X.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg currently uses an iPhone, but the model is unknown. These devices are said to be gifts from Tim Cook, Apple CEO. However, there are continuous controversies between these two technology companies, especially over privacy. In 2018, a report from the New York Times said that Zuckerberg was so angry with Cook for criticizing him in the Cambridge Analytica scandal that he asked his entire management team to use Android instead of iPhone.


Elon Musk, the boss of Tesla and SpaceX, is an iPhone lover, even mentioning this smartphone many times at major events. In Ashlee Vance’s biography of Elon Musk, the habit of using the iPhone is also mentioned.

Before becoming US President, Donald Trump was said to be using Samsung Galaxy S3. However, after becoming the White House boss, Trump switched to “a secure, encrypted device” approved by the US Secret Service. According to the New York Times , the US President currently uses two iPhones, one has no web browser and limited functions, the other has more features, including Twitter.

As CEO of Apple, of course, the phone Tim Cook usually uses is the latest iPhone. He was even caught using a new iPhone that was not yet on the market. He also admitted that he spent more time on the phone than he thought.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two founders of Google, often use Android phones but often change devices. Last year, Brin was discovered using the new Pixel. Brin also shared that the first phone he used was a BlackBerry.