Breakfast of ultra-wealthy billionaires: Eccentric eaters, meal skippers

Each billionaire has a different breakfast routine: some skip meals, some eat according to the ups and downs of the stock market, some people… don’t mind eating anything.

Billionaire Warren Buffett

Known as the “Oracle of Omaha”, billionaire Warren Buffett (90 years old, USA) is one of the most successful investors of all time.

With a fortune of more than $100 billion, he is currently one of the richest men in the world. Before that, this 90-year-old billionaire used to hold the title of the richest person in the world for many years.

He still runs Berkshire Hathaway, which owns more than 60 companies, including Geico Insurance, battery maker Duracell and the Dairy Queen restaurant chain.

This billionaire is famous for eating breakfast according to the ups and downs of the stock market.

He has several options at different prices (but no more than $3.17) at McDonald’s. When the market is up, he will eat more expensive food and vice versa.

Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos – CEO of Amazon was once considered a model father when he turned down all early morning meetings to have time to enjoy a healthy breakfast, without convenience food with his wife Mackenzie and 4 children.

However, the situation may change a bit after the couple’s divorce.

At a meeting with an acquired Amazon company, Bezos ordered a breakfast that was quite strange taste of octopus with potatoes, bacon, green garlic yogurt and eggs.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, information that he likes Diet Coke so much that he can drink 3-4 cans/day.

“The amount of cans I drink each year can weigh nearly 16 kg,” he wrote in 2014. But, in reality, Gates’ eating habits are not good.

He once said to always start the day with a cocoa drink, but his wife said that Gates often skips breakfast.

Steve Jobs

During his lifetime, Steve Jobs was still known for his odd eating habits. The Apple co-founder sometimes just chooses a two-course menu, and he eats them for weeks at a time, back and forth. At one point, all Jobs ate that weren’t apples were definitely carrots.

Jobs ate only fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. Sometimes, the billionaire likes to fast for a long time. (Photo: Pinterest).

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is not too picky about breakfast food. He will eat whatever he wants that day. Mark said he didn’t want to waste time on that trifle, just thinking about what to eat this morning.


Dorsey – CEO of Twitter is known as a billionaire with standard eating habits. He once shared in 2012 that his breakfast was two boiled eggs dipped in soy sauce.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, doesn’t eat breakfast very often. However, if he did, he would eat a Mars candy bar.

Cheryl Bachelder

Breakfast for Cheryl Bachelder, CEO of the Popeyes fast food chain, depends on whether she eats at home or not. She said she likes breakfast with oats at home, and if she has to go, she chooses to have a breakfast of bacon, fried eggs and toast. However, no matter what, Bachelder always drank an extra cup of coffee.