11 cɾаzy expensive things rich people buy

Have you ever wondered what you would spend your money on if you won the lottery or suԀԀе𝚗ly became rich?

It can be exciting to daydream about these possibilities. After all, nothing is more predictable about renewed vows than the exciting thing and experience that might happen.

While most people seem stressed about inflation, rising cost of living, and falling investment portfolios, most wealthy people don’t seem to worry. Instead, they go shopping for items that are considered ludicrous by most people’s standards. Here are some insanely expensive things rich people buy that most people can only fantasize about.

What are 11 crazy expensive things rich people buy?










1. Tickets to space

Many people are interested in accumulating miles and traveling off-season so they can have enough money for their annual vacation. Meanwhile, some rich people are thinking about how to leave the planet.

One of the craziest things the rich buy is a ticket to space, a tourist attraction that’s not as crowded as the Eiffel Tower but more thrilling.

Virgin Galactic has made space tickets available to the public for $450,000 a ticket, up from the original $250,000 price tag. We’re not sure if airfares are up due to growing demand or inflation, but that’s a big chunk of money to spend on your next trip. The flights last about 90 minutes, where you will experience the feeling of weightlessness and witness amazing views of the Earth from above.

Virgin Galactic isn’t the only aerospace company on the market, either. SpaceX launched its first civil flight in September 2021. Blue Origin, founded by Jeff Bezos, doesn’t even want to make public prices for its flights, but seats on previous flights have been auctioned for millions of dollars.

No doubt — you need to be very rich to even think about leaving Earth.

2. Private islands

What’s the next best thing behind flying off the planet? Is owning a part of that planet. And sometimes, the rich want their own private island where they can relax, hang out with friends, or simply retreat from the rest of the world.

There is a long list of celebrities buying private islands for personal use or to turn into luxury resorts. Sir Richard Branson bought Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands in 1979, and turned it into a luxury resort. Many other rich and famous people have followed suit, buying their own islands. Mr. Leonardo Dicaprio bought the private island just off the coast of Belize in 2005. Mr. Larry Ellison, co-founder of Oracle Corporation, bought 98% of an island in Hawaii in 2012.

3. Super yacht

Speaking of private islands, you have to get there by some means. Wealthy people can afford to get there by yacht. And since regular yachts won’t meet the demand, many super-rich are buying superyachts, with hundreds sold each year.

So what is the difference between a normal yacht and a superyacht? There is no technical definition of a superyacht, but it can usually accommodate more than ten guests and comes with some of the perks you might find at a luxury villa.

Larry Ellison is known for previously owning a 454-foot yacht called Rising Sun, which has 82 rooms, a movie theater, a personal gym, and a basketball court. He sold it to buy another luxury superyacht. Other Silicon-Esque Valley billionaires also own giant superyachts, including Mr. Larry Page, Mr. Jeff Bezos, and Mr. Bill Gates.

With so many luxuries available on a ship, it’s hard to argue with the idea that superyachts are a symbol of wealth.

4. Hire a celebrity

Did you know that rich people can hire celebrities for social events? If you have enough money, you can hire famous people to appear or perform for you.

The super-rich often hire celebrities for their own events. Online agencies can help hire celebrities, writers, athletes, and musicians at the right price.

Jennifer Lopez was heavily criticized in 2013 for accepting a three-song solo performance for the leader of Turkmenistan, for more than a million dollars. The Kardashian family has received money for appearing and socializing at art events. With enough money in your bank account, you can also hang out with the rich and famous.

5. Gold/expensive bathroom accessories

We all need to use the bathroom at some point, so why not surround yourself with luxury while minding your own?

The rich bought gold toilets and other expensive toilet items. You can buy an 18-karat gold-plated toilet for as low as $30,000. You can also purchase other expensive bathroom accessories, from bidets to televisions that fit anywhere to heated toilets. If you want to entertain yourself, you can look at expensive bathrooms to see what the rich can afford.

Since we’re talking gold, you know you’re rich when you have gold credit cards and other gold-covered items around your house.

6. Coffee Kopi Luwak

We all complain about the price of a Starbucks coffee, but can you imagine paying $100 for a morning cup of java? That’s the price of Kopi Luwak if you’re looking for the ultimate coffee experience.

This caffeinated drink is expensive because of its high demand and limited quantity, which is a surefire way to attract the wealthy to a product.

This coffee is unique because the beans are the excrement (often called “cat poop”) of the Asian civet, a cat-like creature that digests the coffee beans and leaves behind the bitter seeds of the coffee. get high. This coffee is extremely rare, and its wonderful taste makes it something you will want to add to your to-do list when you want to enjoy it.

7. Random Auction Item

Have you heard stories about amazingly expensive auction items? You know you’re rich when you can participate in auctions for sky-high prices. One of the main perks of the super-rich is to buy whatever they want.

Auctions are great if you want rare, unique items that you can’t find in the store. Here are some of the coolest auction items we’ve discovered:

A Canadian dentist paid $31,200 for John Lennon’s tooth.

A dress that Kate Winslet wore in “Titanic” costs $330,000.

Audrey Hepburn’s “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” screenplay sold for more than $800,000.

Marilyn Monroe’s iconic “Happy Birthday” dress costs $4.8 million.

8. Parties are (very) expensive

One of the main perks of being rich is that you can throw legendary parties that people will talk about for years to come. While the average person would probably host or plan a party on a budget, the rich don’t spare any expense.

Throwing the biggest party in the city with an all-star guest list comes with a hefty price tag. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West once hosted a Christmas party that cost them $1.3 million. They spent about $350,000 on the snow alone, so you can only guess the bill for such a flashy party.

However, Miss Kim and Mr. Kanye’s party paled in comparison to other expensive celebrations. One of the most lavish parties of all time was the 2008 opening night party at Atlantis in Dubai, which cost a whopping $31 million.

9. The level of convenience is ridiculous

What’s worse than waiting in long lines, like at the DMV or the post office? What about the same things you have to do over and over again? Most people cannot escape this monotony when it comes to everyday life.

The rich can spend money on levels of convenience most people can only dream of. We’re not just talking about food delivery or cutting the queue at the amusement park.

“The time of the super rich is worth it to outsource things the average person would never think of outsourcing,” says True Tamplin, Founder of “Finance Strategists” (Financial Strategies) know. “If someone very wealthy could save an hour of their day, that savings could be worth millions of dollars over the course of a year.”

While technically there are only 24 hours in a day, the rich can spend money to have more free time. When you’re rich, you don’t have to worry about mowing the lawn, shopping, cooking dinner, or doing basic chores.

What are some examples of how ridiculously convenient the rich can spend their money?

Pay someone to queue instead. Sites like TaskRabbit allow you to hire people to wait in line at the passport office or anywhere else for you, so you don’t have to waste time.

Outsource all basic housework. A maid, a personal chef, a gardener, and a personal assistant are just some of the services the rich can afford.

Travel with a first class ticket. Flying first class or even taking a private flight means you don’t have to wait to board or manage to sleep in a chair in a cramped cabin.

10. Concierge Service

Most of us have to take care of our reservations and plan independently. Rich people use concierge services for these problems. Concierge services can range from airline tickets to random errands you need to get done.

What are some completely random concierge services that rich people use?

Plan your child’s birthday party.

Enter exclusive restaurants.

Name your baby (yes, this is a real business).

Arrange travel to avoid distractions.

Many luxury concierge services cater specifically to the very wealthy. One well-known company is The Quintessentially Group, which serves people with an average net worth of $5 million. Most requests range from around $1,500 per service, but this concierge company has had many clients spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on an event.

These companies serve very wealthy people who want things to be handled for them. Here are some of the most surprising special requests we’ve seen:

Arrange for dinner on an iceberg.

Close the Sydney Harbor Bridge to propose.

Fly your dog in comfort on a private jet.

There is a wedding vow witnessed by the Pope.

It is possible that the concierge service can fulfill any request you would like if you have enough money to pay it.

11. Private movie screening at home

While many rich and famous may want to walk the red carpet at a flashy movie premiere, a newer service can deliver the premiere to your door.

A few years ago, Red Carpet Home Cinema announced that they were looking for 3,000 wealthy Americans who were willing to shell out $15,000 for a host and then $2,000 — $3,000 per movie to see new movies in theaters. at their home on opening night.

While the service doesn’t give users early access to new movies, it does give people the privacy and convenience of watching at home that large, crowded movie theaters don’t. It’s hard to predict how a business like this can perform, but it shows you can buy anything for the right price, even for those first tickets to a new movie. release.

Build your estate

Rich people can buy a lot of things that most people can only dream of. While it’s fun to read about the insanely expensive things the rich buy, it’s important to pay attention to your financial situation first. Focus on investing and building your estate the right way so you can create a better future for yourself and your family.