Some oatmeal, bacon, eggs, and fruits – Discover ‘Greek Freak’ Giannis Antetokounmpo Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Giannis Antetokounmpo, at 24 years old, has had a successful professional career, but he had a difficult upbringing. Antetokounmpo began his professional basketball career in Greece with Filathilitico in 2012. His incredible career is often said to have begun with this.

His Incredible Hulk metamorphosis and his statement, “I would exchange the MVP title for the World Cup gold medal in China,” have made news recently. Even though he did not play for very long, he received a lot of praise at the 2019 FIFA Basketball World Cup, which was hosted in China.

He is a highly regarded player known for his quickness and deftness with the ball. His achievement may be attributed solely to his commitment to and level of physical fitness. He also clearly possesses a natural talent for the game, which is likely what has gotten him this far.

Many young athletes take their cues from him and his remarkable physical change and success on the court. Among those who are into physical fitness, he is a household nаme. That’s why I wrote this article. Here are some of the player’s physical statistics before we get into his training regimen.

NBA star Giannis Antetokounmpo In terms of physical data:

How old am I? 24

I am 211 centimeters tall (6 feet 9 inches)

Exact mass = 242 lb (110 kg).

Texture: Black


Training Routine for Giannis Antetokounmpo

Giannis Antetokounmpo has a rigorous exercise routine that helps him stay in top shape. He works hard to incorporate numerous dynamic motions into his routine. Every day, he spends two hours working out. His gym routine consists of:

Starting on a Monday and ending on a Wednesday See: for Giannis Antetokounmpo’s fitness program.

Planned Exercises for the Upper Body

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One set of neck exercises with six to ten repetitions

One set of six to ten reps of a standing shoulder shrug.

Three sets of six to ten reps on an incline press.

Three sets of six to ten repetitions on an incline bench press

One set of eight to ten repetitions of the close-grip pull-up

One set of six to ten repetitions on the pullover machine.

Two sets of six to ten reps using a dumbbell for lateral raises

Two sets of six to ten repetitions of the dumbbell front raise


One set of 6-10 repetitions on the seated cable row

Six to ten repetitions of seated cable scapular retraction in one set.

One set of six to ten repetitions on the machine chest press

One set of six to ten reps on the incline chest press machine

One set of 6-10 lat pull-down repetitions

Six to ten repetitions on an overhead machine, one set.

One set of 6-10 repetitions on the rowing machine.

One set of six to ten reps on the reverse fly machine.

Six to ten repetitions on the outside in one set.

One set of six to ten repetitions of internal rotation.

One set of six to ten triceps presses downs

Two sets of six to ten reps on the cable curl machine.

6-10 repetitions of hand grips, performed in 2 sets.

Six to ten repetitions of wrist flexion in one set.

One set of 6-10 reps of wrist extensions.

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This week’s Tuesdays and Thursdays fall on days 2 and 4. Giannis Antetokounmpo’s Exercise Schedule

Get energized for your workout with Pre-Workout from Optimum Nutrition.

Planned Exercises for the Lower Body

Perform two sets of the deadlift with 6-10 reps.

Do 2 sets of squats with 6-10 repetitions.

Perform two sets of the Romanian deadlift with 6-10 reps.

Two sets of six to ten reps on the glute-ham raise

Two sets of six to ten reps on the leg press.

One set of six to ten repetitions of a leg curl.

Just one set of six to ten reps on the leg press.

3–4 repetitions of the dumbbell step-up

Two sets of six to ten reps of lunges.

One set of six to ten repetitions of leg curls on an exercise ball

Six to ten repetitions of a single-leg hip extension in one set.

Six to ten repetitions of the bridge on an exercise ball, done in one set.

One set of six to ten reps of hip abductiоn

Calf raises from a standing position, 6-10 repetitions x 1 set

Two sets of six to ten reps of reverse crunches

Perform two sets of six to ten reps of a cable side bend.

Five and Sixth Day: Friday and Saturday Giannis Antetokounmpo’s Exercise Schedule

Get energized for your workout with Pre-Workout from Optimum Nutrition.

Cardio exercises, such as running, swimming, or playing sports, should take up most of your time on days 5 and 6.

Gain Muscle and Strength Quicker with Optimum Nutrition’s Premium Whey Protein

Giannis Antetokounmpo’s Workout Schedule for Day 7: Sunday

Sundays are typically set aside for rejuvenation and relaxation.

His inspiring video diaries for working out.

In addition to his regular exercise routine, he also strictly adheres to the following guidelines in order to attain his fitness goals:

Perform Complex Actions

More muscle fibers are used during compound actions, and this means more muscular growth. Squats, deadlifts, presses, power cleans, and other multi-joint workouts are examples of compound motions. Full-body strength and conditioning can be achieved with such exercises.

The workouts are strenuous due to the necessity of using one’s own body weight as resistance. So, you ramp up the force you’re using. When performing a front squat, for instance, you draw strength from your upright body position and utilize the contributions of multiple muscle groups.


Strength training with any sort of resistance is excellent for increasing stamina. These routines are great for getting your muscles moving. Joints benefit greatly from this form of workout. These are the procedures to be followed when collaborating with a band:

You should slip the band under your feet.

Take hold of the ends of the band.

Lift your arms over your head and up in the front.

To form the letter “T,” lower your arms to shoulder height.

Raise your arms to the starting position.

It’s a cycle, so do it again and again.

Repeat the sequences at least 10–15 times.


In the weight room or on the field, explosive movements are a definite asset. You just have to hop on the floor to accomplish this. You may improve your landing and leaping skills by jumping.

Jumping workouts are the next logical step in this direction. As a result, this also tends to boost performance in sports. Among the many possible jumps are the vertical, the jump squat, and the box jump. Make your jumps as fast as you can so that you spend as much time as possible in the air.


A full recuperation relies heavily on getting a decent night’s sleep. Before sleeping, your body enters an anabolic stage, during which muscle is built. This is good for your health in general.

Getting between seven and eight hours of undisturbed sleep per night is ideal. If you want a good night’s sleep, you’ll need a warm bed and a quiet, dark environment.

TAKE PART in your recovery

When our muscles are tired or achy, our first instinct is usually to do nothing. However, light exercise can help speed up the healing process.

Exercises with a low intensity range from brisk walking to yoga to stretching to hiking. Muscle soreness is caused by a decrease in blооd flow while at rest, but increases during physical exercise.


Because you don’t want to overwork those muscles, rest is just as crucial as exercise. This requires precise interval timing both during and outside of training. The use of intervals and regular rest periods is widely regarded as a game-changer for athletes. You and your trainer should agree on and strictly adhere to rest intervals for optimal outcomes. The efficiency and velocity will be improved.


Muscle tightness, particularly in the glutes and back, can make it difficult to bend, squat, or jump. Muscle soreness, damage, or immobility were common outcomes of overuse. Myofascial release is a great recovery tool, and you should have it both before and after your workouts.

Myofascial release is a form of deep tissue massage that increases circulation, relaxes tight muscles, and decreases the rιsk of ιnjury. It’s great for relieving muscle tension and getting rid of knots. Foam rollers can be used for this, but any form of ball, such as a softball, golf ball, lacrosse ball, or even a tennis ball, can do in a pinch.


Regular gym attendance is not a prerequisite for physical wellness. Equally crucial is maintaining consistent activity levels throughout the day. Maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle is essential for optimal health. Our dietary habits have a significant impact on our physical strength and vitality.


Water and other liquids make up the majority of the connective tissues in the body, which are responsible for constructing muscles. Dehydration, brought on by not drinking enough water, can have serious health consequences. Your athletic performance may also suffer as a result.

Thus, water serves as a lubricant for the muscles, and sufficient water is required for the muscles to perform normally. Although some people may consume gallons of water in a day, it is still crucial to monitor how much water you consume on a regular basis. Simply multiply your weight in pounds by 0.6 to obtain your daily intake requirement in fluid ounces.

There is always an element of competition while working out with a partner or in a group. Take advantage of it by adopting a “do or Ԁie” mentality or a “get it done” mentality. Therefore, training not only hard but also smart is essential. The sеcrеt to success is to motivate yourself. The athlete has complete control over whether or not his competitive nature serves him.

Giannis Antetokounmpo has said, “There is no break,” when asked about his regimen of nutrition and exercise. I place a premium on maintaining a healthy diet and regular workout routine. He even mentions how his sibling’s role in his training regimen is crucial. I get a lot of energy from them, and the competition is always fierce. I come from a very active and health-conscious family,” he explains. I put in as much time as possible at the gym with the other guys. He adds that competing against the greatest is the only way to improve.

He considers stretching to be among the most beneficial post-workout activities and never skips this step. He now claims, “It’s the best fitness advice I’ve ever received.” The Greek Freak recommends stretching and immediate medical attention for any injuries.

That concludes everything there is to know about Giannis Antetokounmpo’s training routine. Now, let’s talk about his eating habits.

The Eating Schedule of Giannis Antetokounmpo

To ensure he has enough energy for his intense in-season training, he loads up on carbs and protein. Because he still needs to shed some weight and bulk up, he limits his carbohydrate consumption.

Giannis Antetokounmpo ate largely fast food and didn’t bother with his diet throughout the offseason. Now, though, he eats a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Between forty-five and sixty minutes before his workout, he drinks a protein shake. He stays well-hydrated by drinking a lot of water throughout the day. He hasn’t spoken much about his eating habits, so there isn’t much advice to go on.

Breakfast for Giannis Antetokounmpo typically consists of oatmeal, bacon, eggs, and fruits, which provides him with whey protein, complex carbs, and fiber.

Giannis Antetokounmpo eats regularly throughout the day, averaging six meals.

After each training session, he loads up on a diet rich in whey protein.

Giannis Antetokounmpo does some of these things to keep in shape.